Giving Your Bedroom A Makeover: Simple Ideas For You
Posted on: 22 December 2015
When you get home in the evening and head to your bedroom to relax and unwind, the last thing you want is to be bored or unsatisfied with the way your room looks. Maybe you have outgrown your current decor or maybe you just never got to design the room the way you wanted it in the first place. Whatever the case may be, there are some simple yet highly effective ways that you can give your bedroom a little makeover without having to revamp and change absolutely everything. Get to know some of these ways and get started on your bedroom makeover as soon as possible.
Change Up Your Window Treatments
One thing that you can quickly and easily change in your bedroom is the appearance of your windows. While you may not think that changing your window treatments and coverings will make a big difference in the overall aesthetic of a room, they really do make all the difference in the world.
Taking down old curtains and blinds and replacing them with cordless Roman or cellular window shades can make a major difference. Shades can provide you with more control over how much light gets in through your window and can be custom fit to ensure no light gets through when they are completely closed.
Choosing the cordless option for window shades will also do away with tangled cords and other accessories hanging on or around your windows taking up space. These shades will make your room more streamlined and less cluttered. There are also many color options and designs to choose from.
Paint an Accent Wall
While repainting your entire bedroom would be a major undertaking, painting a single accent wall is doable without too much disruption to the room. Rather than move all of your furniture and other possessions out of the room, you just need to clear off the space around one wall.
You will want to cover any of your possessions that are in range of being splashed with the paint as well as the carpeting or floor space that you cleared with a drop cloth or plastic. Then you can quickly tape off and paint your accent wall in a fun, bold color. Creating this single focal point in your bedroom can completely change the tone and mood of your bedroom without having to make many, if any, other changes in the process.
With these ideas in mind, you can get started giving your bedroom a makeover and revitalize your space as soon as possible.